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There are benefits to learning to play the violin

Posted By Vov Dylan  

The violin is one of the world’s most beloved musical instruments; it also has a reputation for being fiendishly difficult to master, no matter how good your violin teacher is.


However, learn to play the violin, and you'll soon discover it comes with a raft of remarkable benefits as well – ones that can stand you in good stead all your life. Don’t just take our word for it though. Take a look at the following benefits and judge for yourself:


Violin lessons boost memory and mental capacities. Many studies show that playing the violin (alongside other musical instruments) even for just a year positively affects your brain's capacity for memory. It can also improve your reading skills, language processing, speech and attention span. Research has found that children and teens who play the violin have stronger verbal and visual pattern abilities than those playing other instruments. Also, violinists have larger than average brains, with those parts connected to left-hand movements particularly responsive and sensitive. For children battling with psychological disorders, playing the violin even has a calming effect that helps prevent episodes. 


Learn to play the violin for finer motor skills, sensory and physical function. I bet you’ve never seen a violinist with poor posture. In fact, it’s impossible to play the violin properly without standing and sitting well. That’s because playing requires super strong upper arms, shoulder muscles and an actively engaged core. During a single lesson you’ll likely feel a workout in your deltoids, biceps and pectoral muscles – over time your stamina will increase and you’ll look physically toned in these areas. Holding the violin correctly also promotes fine motor skills, while doing simultaneous yet different complex manoeuvres with each hand boosts dexterity and precision. After long-term training, musicians have an enhanced ability to respond to touch, aural and visual stimuli. Which means, all things considered, violin practice is an excellent antidote for a sedentary existence spent hunching over laptops and tablets.


Pick up a bow for increased social benefits. Learning a musical instrument takes discipline – you need to set aside time each day to practice to see incremental improvements. It can build character, self-reliance, self-esteem and self-awareness – all of which help make for a well-rounded, well-adjusted human being. Performances and music competitions offer a chance to meet other like-minded players who are also actively seeking to improve their skills. Children and teenagers who join an orchestra particularly benefit from the sense of belonging. Plus the violin gives individuals a chance to shine out from the crowd and bask in the sense of accomplishment as there are more opportunities for solo performances than other orchestral instruments.


Release negative emotions and stress. Did you know playing the violin releases hormones that make you feel happier? Research shows it’s an excellent way to relieve stress, which means violinists can experience lower levels of depression and anxiety. Music can also help release difficult feelings in a constructive, benign way. Regardless of whether you’re young or old, it’s never too late to pick up a new skill or hobby – especially one that gives you so much in return.